Katrina Kaif is promoting her upcoming comedy horror film, Phone Bhoot, by appearing on various public platforms to discuss the film. She recently appeared on the Salman Khan-hosted reality show Bigg Boss 16, and fans were ecstatic to see the former couple on the same stage.
For the uninformed, Salman Khan now hosts Bigg Boss 16 on Fridays and Saturdays. Katrina will appear as a guest, and as part of the promotion for her film, Phone Bhoot, she will play a few games with him. According to the channel’s new promo, Katrina is seen asking Salman Khan, “If you would have ever got an opportunity to spy on someone as a ghost, who would it be?” Salman responds “There is a man named Vicky Kaushal. I would spy on him.” When asked why, the superstar replied, “He’s loving and caring, and now when I am speaking about him, you are blushing.” Katrina Kaif couldn’t help but blush the entire time.
Throughout the show, various games will be played, such as Katrina Kaif on a mission to connect host Salman Khan with his fans from another world. Katrina uses a Ouija board to connect Salman with his ‘Bhoot’ fans. The duo will also be seen performing to Katrina’s hit song ‘Tip Tip Barsa’. Other Phone Bhoot cast members, Siddhant Chaturvedi and Ishaan Khatter, will be joining them, as well as other surprises.
The film is directed by Gurmmeet Singh, starring Siddhant Chaturvedi and Ishaan Khatter and is set to be released on November 4th , 2022.