Zee5 announced its latest original film ‘India Lockdown’. After the success of the comedy-drama ‘Babli Bouncer’, national award-winning director Madhur Bhandarkar will be headlining this hard-hitting film. Inspired by true events, ‘India Lockdown’ depicts four parallel stories and the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic on the people of India. Produced by Dr. Jayantilal Gada of PEN Studios, Madhur Bhandarkar’s Bhandarkar Entertainment and Pranav Jain’s P J Motions Pictures, ‘India Lockdown’ is the first Indian feature film on COVID-19 pandemic. The movie stars Shweta Basu Prasad, Aahana Kumra, Prateik Babbar, Sai Tamhankar and Prakash Belawadi in key roles
Written by Amit Joshi and Aradhana Sah with Madhur Bhandarkar, ‘India Lockdown’ explores the lives of disparate characters who are catapulted into an unforeseen dramatic situation instigated by the lockdown due to the pandemic. The four parallel stories explored are that of a father-daughter duo who are stuck in different cities during a crucial high point in the daughter’s life; a sex worker and the hardships she goes through in her personal and professional life due to the lockdown, a migrant worker who barely manages to provide bread and butter for his family and an airhostess who for the first time has some downtime compelling her to introspect.
Archana Anand, Chief Business Officer, ZEE5 Global said, “At ZEE5 Global, we have always strived to deliver stories and performances to the global diaspora that we derive from authentic, real-life experiences. With ‘India Lockdown’, we are glad to collaborate with Madhur Bhandakar who understands the sentiment of viewers and the trauma faced due to the lockdown and has the flair to narrate stories inspired by true events. The series encapsulates meaningful and captivating content that would be relatable to people across the globe.”
Director Madhur Bhandarkar said, “Lockdown was a tough phase for many as people struggled to make ends meet and that gave seed to a thought to make a film on people affected by the lockdown. ‘India Lockdown’ is a product of my observations, and it depicts raw stories of real people across various walks of life. This is a film that will resonate with many in some or the other way and I am glad that it will be released on ZEE5 Global and reach out to so many people across the world”.