The prestigious International Indian Film Academy Awards are making a comeback to Abu Dhabi this month, bringing forth a vibrant celebration of Bollywood. Scheduled to take place on May 26 and 27 at the Etihad Arena on Yas Island, the IIFA Awards, widely known as IIFA, will commence with IIFA Rocks—an enchanting evening dedicated to music and fashion. With preparations for this extravagant Bollywood event in full swing on Yas Island, Abu Dhabi, film enthusiasts in the UAE are eagerly anticipating a thrilling weekend filled with live performances by renowned Bollywood stars like Salman Khan, Varun Dhawan, Kriti Sanon, Jacqueline Fernandes, Nora Fatehi, and many other talented artists
In the countdown to the upcoming IIFA Awards, let’s revisit a memorable throwback moment from the history of the event. At the IIFA Awards 2022, which was also hosted in Abu Dhabi, actor Salman Khan captivated the audience with a heartfelt personal anecdote. He shared a time from his life when he encountered significant financial challenges, leaving a lasting impression on both the show and the hearts of the viewers.
The actor broke down narrating his whirlwind journey that catapulted him to super-stardom. The actor revealed that there was a period when he couldn’t even afford to buy a t-shirt.
The actor was quoted as saying, “Earlier when I didn’t have money, at that time, I went to Suniel Shetty’s clothing shop. It was a very expensive one. I couldn’t afford anything more than a shirt or a pair of jeans and at that time Suniel noticed that I had no money so he gifted me a stone wash shirt. He noticed that I had my eyes on a wallet,” as he walked towards Suneil’s son, Ahan Shetty, who was also attending the awards ceremony.
“So he took me home and gave me that wallet,” he continued.
Ahan stood up and hugged Salman, who was moved to tears by the memory.
The esteemed IIFA Awards will be graced by the charismatic hosting duo of Vicky Kaushal and Abhishek Bachchan, who will infuse the event with their charm and wit. Additionally, the dynamic pairing of Farah Khan and Rajkummar Rao will be in charge of hosting the electrifying IIFA Rocks segment, adding their unique flair to the proceedings.