Prime Video today announced the exclusive global streaming premiere of the Tamil romantic comedy Thiruchitrambalam. Directed and written by Mithran Jawahar and produced by Kalanithi Maran the film features Dhanush, in the lead, along with Nithya Menen, Raashi Khanna, Bharathiraja, and Prakash Raj in pivotal roles. The film will exclusively stream in India and across 240 countries and territories worldwide on October 6 in Tamil, with dubs in Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada and Hindi. Thiruchitrambalam is the latest addition to the Prime membership. Prime members in India enjoy savings, convenience, and entertainment, all in single membership for just ₹1499/ year.
A perfect blend of comedy and romance, Thiruchitrambalam is an enjoyable and heart-warming tale that follows Pazham (Dhanush), a dedicated food delivery man who cheerfully navigates through the ups and downs of life, all while struggling to find love and experiencing heartbreak. Despite his struggles to get along with his father, a respected police officer, Pazham can always rely on the help and support of his best friend, Shobana (Nithya Menen), who makes life bearable for the unaware Pazham.