On Saturday 11th February, actor Kartik Aaryan presented the brand-new poster for his upcoming family comedy Shehzada. With the caption “Baat Jab Shehzada ki ho toh Discussion nahin karte…Seedha Ticket Book Karte hain,” Kartik uploaded the poster to Instagram.
Actress Kriti Sanon can be seen placing a crown on Kartik’s head in the new poster. Fans were commenting on the post while eagerly awaiting the arrival of this film.
Shehzada is directed by Rohit Dhawan, starring Kartik Aaryan, Kriti Sanon , Manisha Koirala, Paresh Rawal, Ronit Roy, Sachin Khedekar. The music is by Pritam in this family entertainer and produced by Bhushan Kumar, Allu Arvind, Aman Gill and Kartik Aaryan. The film is all set to release on 17th February 2023.
The team of Shehzada have released a new song from the upcoming Kartik Aaryan-Kriti Sanon starrer titled Character Dheela 2.0. A remake of the song Character Dheela from Salman Khan’s 2011 film Ready.
The song is sung by Neeraj Shridhar, original music by Pritam and recreated by Abhijit Vaghani.