Muna made her remarkable debut in the Bollywood industry in the first year of her stepping into the industry. The actress was offered her debut project with Ranveer Singh for a leading brand advertisement, making big on screen with Ranveer and sharing screen space Muna says, “Working with Ranveer was a dream come true moment for me. It was my first-ever debut project in Bollywood with him. Ranveer is a top-notch actor in Bollywood who has given many superhits in the industry back to back like RRKPK and is now to be seen in Don 3. He is a power pack of energy and keeps everything enlightened. I was a bit scared at first not knowing how he would be on set, but his warmth and kind-hearted, friendly nature made everything at ease for me. On those days of the shoot as an actor, I learned many things from him and I am very grateful for this big opportunity that I got”
We can undoubtedly say that Muna made her debut in Bollywood with a bang, While actors just keep on waiting to share screen space with these leading actors, she got this moment to witness in the first year of her career in Bollywood. Seeing this we can definitely say that Muna Gauchan is here to make big in Bollywood and has a very long way to go and will soon make a place in the hearts of the audience with her power pack acting skills and scintillating looks.
On the work front, Muna is currently shooting for her big-banner Bollywood web series which will be released on Netflix and the official announcement will be made soon. Apart from that she also has 2 music videos coming up.